Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Coco”
October 6, 2021
Two weeks with a Coco 2 in September
In the inside baseball realm of vintage computer enthusiasts, a few hashtags have emerged to support one’s favorite retro computers.
September 9, 2021
Slot Game On Tandy TRS-80 Pocket Computer PC-4
One of my first ever real programs was a blackjack game I made in BASIC on a Sharp 9300 calculator to impress my Adv. Algebra teacher. I have seen the handwritten copy of this somewhere around here recently, but I’ll be darned if I can’t find it now.
September 3, 2021
Calculating Pi via the Gregory-Leibniz series in BASIC on the Tandy Color Computer 2
Back in March, we did a simple set of programs to brute force calculate Pi using a simple and well-known series. It works, even if it’s inefficient.