64 Bit Addition and Products on Commodore: The Wheat and Chessboard problem
By Michael Doornbos
- 5 minutes read - 953 wordsDealing with large numbers in computing has been an attractive problem area for a long time. Using an average calculator might lead you to believe that it’s too tricky for most applications.
But it’s not that difficult. And to prove it, we’re going to implement this calculation on machines with 8 Bit registers (I mean, cmon, on this site, you can’t even pretend to be shocked).
Big numbers with the wheat and chessboard problem
A classic math exercise is called the wheat and chessboard problem.
If a chessboard were to have wheat placed upon each square such that one grain were placed on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, and so on (doubling the number of grains on each subsequent square), how many grains of wheat would be on the chessboard at the finish?
We can do this with simple addition. As a review, the largest 32-bit integer is 2^32 or 4,294,967,296. After that many digits calculators, and even languages, default to scientific notation. Something like:
Let’s visualize what we’re going to build in assembly in an easy to read language:
grains_sum = UInt64(0)
grains = UInt64(1)
wheat_mass = 65 # assume 65 mg per "grain"
for square in range(1, 64)
grains_sum += grains
println("square $(square) grains $(grains) total $(grains_sum)")
grains *= 2
total_mass_kg = UInt128(fld(grains_sum * wheat_mass,1000))
println("$(total_mass_kg) kg")%
This takes just a few milliseconds.
Pretty easy. Loop 64 times, add the number of grains to the previous and double the current for the next loop.
Let’s code
You might think this would be difficult on an 8 Bit processor, but it’s not. To add two 8-bit numbers together, we simply add with carry the low byte and then do it over and over for the next 7 bytes. The carry bit moves on down with our addition. Easy peasy.
lda grainssum
adc grains
sta grainssum
lda grainssum+1
adc grains+1
sta grainssum+1
lda grainssum+2
adc grains+2
sta grainssum+2
lda grainssum+3
adc grains+3
sta grainssum+3
lda grainssum+4
adc grains+4
sta grainssum+4
lda grainssum+5
adc grains+5
sta grainssum+5
lda grainssum+6
adc grains+6
sta grainssum+6
lda grainssum+7
adc grains+7
sta grainssum+7
We can certainly do this in a loop over one of the index registers to make the code shorter, but this is the same thing, and I think the concept is more clearly written this way. We’ve gone for understanding here.
Fortunately, the problem we’ve chosen to tackle here is a multiply by two, which any computer going back to the 1960s can do pretty easily. Binary multiply and divide are just shifting left (multiply by 2) and shifting right (divide by two). Jim Butterfield’s fantastic “Machine Language for the Commodore” has an excellent set of graphics to help visualize what we’re doing here:
Machine Language for the Commodore Revised and Expanded Edition by Jim Butterfield
So to implement our 8-byte multiplier:
lda grains
asl a
sta grains
lda grains+1
rol a
sta grains+1
lda grains+2
rol a
sta grains+2
lda grains+3
rol a
sta grains+3
lda grains+4
rol a
sta grains+4
lda grains+5
rol a
sta grains+5
lda grains+6
rol a
sta grains+6
lda grains+7
rol a
sta grains+7
We can certainly do this in a loop over one of the index registers to make the code shorter, but this is the same thing, and I think the concept is more clearly written this way. We’ve gone for understanding here. The tricky part here is actually the printing of the hex to decimal. Fortunately, we can get a head start/boost using “Graham’s” 32-bit converter on Codebase64. Such an elegant solution Graham!
jsr hex2dec
ldx #21
lda result,x
bne loop2
dex; skip leading zeros
bne loop1
lda result,x
ora #$30
jsr $ffd2
bpl loop2
ldx #0
jsr div10
sta result,x
cpx #21
bne loop3
; divides a 64 bit value by 10
ldy #64;64 bits
lda #0
rol a
cmp #10
bcc skip
sbc #10
rol value
rol value+1
rol value+2
rol value+3
rol value+4
rol value+5
rol value+6
rol value+7
bpl loop4
We can certainly do this in a loop over one of the index registers to make the code shorter, but this is the same thing, and I think the concept is more clearly written this way. We’ve gone for understanding here. I’ve expanded Graham’s solution to work on 8 bytes (64 bits) which happens to be exactly what we need.
So how’d it turn out?
VIC-20 Version is fast as you might expect, but have to give some thought on formatting this better
Finally a use for 80 column mode on a Commodore 128!
And 80 column PETs
On my KIM-1 Clone (Corsham)
Extra credit
Where do we go from here. Well, now that we can output up to 21 digits easily, we can multiply large numbers together.
lda #$00
sta product
sta product+1
sta product+2
sta product+3
sta product+4
sta product+5
sta product+6
sta product+7
; set binary ct 32
ldx #$20
lsr multiplier+3
ror multiplier+2
ror multiplier+1
;divide multiplier by 2
ror multiplier
bcc rotater
lda product+4
; get upper half of product
; and add multiplicand
adc multiplicand
sta product+4
lda product+5
adc multiplicand+1
sta product+5
lda product+6
adc multiplicand+2
sta product+6
lda product+7
adc multiplicand+3
ror a ; rotate partial prod
sta product+7
ror product+6
ror product+5
ror product+4
ror product+3
ror product+2
ror product+1
ror product
bne shiftr
Have fun!
Sometime over the next week, I’m going to try this on the KIM-1. If you try this on another platform, please let me know!